In 2G circles, customers who avail of the Rs. 3,000 advance rental plan will get 2,500 local or national SMSes free, 100 minutes of local or STD calls free, and unlimited 2G data for 6 months.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Aircel offers the iPhone 3GS at Rs. 9,999 with Rs. 3,000 advance rental
Google and NIIT launch Google Web Academy in India
It aims to bridge the digital skill gap in the country and help students and professionals capitalise on the emerging job markfor the online industry.
Under the initiative, NIIT will offer specialised courses through its centres across the country.
Samsung Galaxy Beam officially launches in India at Rs. 29,990
Comcast to launch mind bendingly fast 305 Mbps home internet
If you have a need for speed, you may be disappointed with the broadband options offered by your internet provider. But according to a new report, your home may soon be getting a speed boost if you're willing to pay for it: Comcast will start offering amazingly fast 305 Mbps residential service later this year, a huge step up from their current 105 Mbps plan.
The new offering is meant to compete directly with Verizon's 300 Mbps FiOS service, and will be released in areas already being served by Verizon. We don't know if there will be bandwidth caps, and there aren't any pricing details available yet, though you can probably expect it to be priced competitively with Verizon's. Currently, FiOS will serve you broadband at a stunning 300 Mbps (65 Mbps upload) for $205 per month, though this may come down with competition from Comcast.
Foods to spice up your sex life
When things become a little blue in the bedroom, most people resort to cosmetic fixes and miracle pills, being sorely oblivious to Nature’s bounty overflowing with natural cures for low libido. The following listed foods will help you rule the bedroom, in every possible way.
1. Pumpkin Seeds
Do you hate pumpkins? If you do, then you will have to find a way to love the little mean seeds insides, because they are essential to unleash your inner beast in the boudoir. Insanely replete with zinc and essential oils, these seeds are your one-way ticket to a raging sex life. The nutrients contained within, aid in boosting testosterone and sperm production, blowing your libido to orgasmic heights.
2. Oysters
If you think that oysters are good for holding pearls alone, these little wonders will come back to surprise you. Oysters are nature’s own version of Viagra. Loaded with zinc, omega-3 oils and monounsaturated fats, they aid in the sexual experience. Also, nothing adds more fireworks to sex than the intimate act of eating oysters with your partner. Kinky and nutritional!
3. Goji Berries
Don’t let these sweet little nubs fool you into believing that they are apparently worth nothing. Goji berries pack enough vitamins to have you kicking in the sack for an eternity. Not only do they boost testosterone production but also aid in delaying the climax, so that the fun need not end soon. Equipped with nutrients to stabilise mood and stamina, Goji Berries are extremely important for your sex life.
4. Bananas
The banana has been long mocked for its penile shape. The fact that it delivers much more than it looks is under-appreciated by most. The abundance of Vitamin B6 aids in balancing hormones and imitating the effect of serotonin secretion. Serotonin is responsible for the euphoric satisfaction after sex. The sugar content is a careful balance of complex and simple sugars that provide you with enough energy to last all night.
5. Celery
The weak and watery stalks offer much more than their looks, when it comes to boosting up one’s libido. The essential component in celery boosts the androsterone levels in male perspiration. This aid in the production of an aphrodisiacal pheromone that is responsible for making men seem irresistible to women.
6. Dark Chocolate
When women obsess over how chocolates are the next best thing to sex, they do not mean it lightly. One bite of dark chocolate releases enough endorphins to mirror an orgasm. A regular intake helps keep libidos high, so that lovemaking never gets tiresome
7. Chillies
What better substance to ignite heated passions than the fiery chilli? Capsaicin, the active component contributing to the heat factor in chillies, is responsible for releasing the endorphins that spark sexual desire and aid in a fiery sexual chemistry.
IBM plans to hire more salespeople
Excluding some items, profit will increase to at least $15.10 a share this year, up from a previous forecast of $15, IBM said on Thursday in a statement. Analysts had predicted $15.06 on average, according to data compiled byBloomberg. Earnings were $3.51 in the quarter, topping the $3.43 average estimate, even as sales declined.
I know what it takes to win an Olympic medal, Paes
New York, July 20 (IANS) India's ace tennis player Leander Paes has said he knows what it takes to win an Olympic medal and will not distract himself by delving into people's expectations, the negativities and the politics.
Paes, who won the singles bronze medal in the 1996 Atlanta Games, said he would let his racquet do the talking.
When asked what he thinks about former Davis Cup captain Jaidip Mukerjea's comments that his chances of winning a men's doubles medal at the Olympics are very remote, Paes said he cannot deal with other's opinions.
Captaincy is not a big deal
Chennai, July 17 -- From being a brash kid brought up in the heart of the national capital to have emerged as the future India captain, Virat Kohli has seen a lot during his four years of international cricket.
And if you are wondering whether Virat the person is as mature as Virat the batsman, then you will get your answer in his freewheeling chat with HT during the team's preparatory camp ahead of the tour to Sri Lanka. Excerpts:
Best Foods to Eat for Breakfast
Here are some foods that are perfect to start your day with:
The meal that defines the rest of your day and supplies the body with all essential nutrients, minerals and the required energy is breakfast.
A tall glass of low fat milk can be a part of your daily breakfast. There are numerous additions that can be made to the glass to make it interesting for you, chocolate syrup being a favorite with most people.
India becomes Australia s largest source of permanent migrants
New Delhi, July 20 (ANI): Australian High Commissioner Peter Varghese today warmly welcomed figures showing that for the first time, India is Australia's largest source of permanent migrants.
Indian migrants comprised a total of 29,018 places or 15.7 per cent of the total migration program of 185,000 places under the 2011-12 permanent migration program.
India has surpassed China and the United Kingdom as the largest source of permanent migrants with 25,509 and 25,274 places respectively.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Ditch your make up, look hot
We all envy that girl who can pull off the bare faced look; that natural beauty who steps out of the door with shiny, bright eyes and long, glossy locks. But you are that girl. You are that natural beauty and you can ditch your make-up and look great bare faced. Check out these tips to find out how you can get the confidence to ditch your make-up and still look hot.
Smile like a superstar
Other than the odd pap shot superstars smile... a lot. Why? It turns out that smiling makes you more beautiful. Research has found that being able to genuinely smile could be better than splurging thousands on the best make-up on the market. In studies, scientists found that those people who smiled more were considered more attractive. Plus psychology advisor Art Markman, PhD says that “People who smile are often friendlier, have a better sense of humor and are more socially engaging”.
10 essential foods for female health
A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are ten foods all women should eat. A RealBuzz story.
Figs are a great health food, containing many vital minerals and vitamins as well as contributing to your daily portions of fruit and veg. Two minerals found in figs that are particularly beneficial to women's health are iron, which is often deficient in menstruating women, and calcium, which is important for post-menopausal women, who are more prone to osteoporosis.
British beach volleyball pair face bikini banter
LONDON (Reuters) - Will you promise you will wear bikinis even if it rains?
That was the first question to Britain's women Olympic beach volleyball players at a pre-Games news conference on Thursday, giving a flavour of how the sport is perceived.
"We can't promise anything with the weather," said one of the players, Zara Dampney, deftly trying to evade the question with a typically British digression on the subject of rain.
This did not satisfy the male reporter from the Sun, Britain's most-read newspaper, who pleaded a second time with the pair to promise they would not cover up.
Financial Implications Of Keeping Your Maiden Name
For many women, marriage means a lot of changes. One of those changes is a new last name. The University of Tilburg in Holland did a study of 2,400 married women and found that three out of four women took their husbands' last names. Seven percent hyphenated their last names and the rest kept their maiden names.
SEE: Marriage: For Richer Or Poorer?
SEE: Marriage: For Richer Or Poorer?
38 percent Indians don not use password on phones
The company recently released a survey on Indians' mobile phone usage habits, the importance of their personal information, and their level of understanding when it comes to mobile security.
Dell aims to create dollar 5 billion software business
Dell Inc's new software chief plans to increase the size of the business five-fold, a target that could eventually account for at least 25 percent of the No. 3 personal computer maker's profits.
John Swainson, the former chief executive of CA Technologies who joined Dell in February, said software is a higher margin business than most of the company's other units, but is not big enough to make a difference right now.
Dell has been actively diversifying its products and business away from personal computers, a market whose growth is slowing as Apple Inc's iPad and other mobile devices pull customers away. The company has said it sees software and services as key growth areas.
Reliance unveils upgraded 3G Tab
Called the Reliance 3G Tab V9A, it runs onAndroid 2.3 (Gingerbread) and has a 7-inch display with 1024x600p resolution, 1.4GHz processor, 512MB RAM. Other features of the tablet include a 3MP rear camera, 3G support, VGA front camera for video calling. The tablet has pre-installed Documents To Go, BigFlix,Reliance World Online, Reliance TV, Facebook, Twitter and Orkut apps.
Twitter lets advertisers better target tweets
Advertisers can aim terse missives of 140 characters or less to Twitter users based on their geographic location or whether they access the service using mobile devices or personal computers, according to product manager Kevin Weil.
Previously, such "promoted tweets" could be targeted in those ways only after the messages were sent to all Twitter followers.
Facebook sees users number rising in India
Rory Maher, a senior internet analyst at Capstone Investments, published the findings of some research into Facebook's member figures using 'proprietary software' to track user numbers across 200 countries.
Maher found that Facebook user numbers had declined by 1.1 per cent across both Europe and the US, the Telegraph reports.
The 15 safest banks in the world
In an issue earlier this year, Global Finance magazine ranked the safest banks in the world, created through an evaluation of their long-term credit ratings.
ICICI Bank was named as India's best among the 'World’s Best Emerging Market Banks 2012 in Asia' by the Global Finance magazine in an issue earlier this year. The magazine also ranked the safest banks in the world. The ranking was created through an evaluation of long-term credit ratings—from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings—and total assets of the 500 largest banks worldwide. Here are the top 15 safest banks in the world:
(Photo: Bank website)
(Photo: Bank website)
8 Ways to Impress Your Interviewer
Hiring has been weak for the past few months, with the unemployment rate at a steady, high 8.2 percent. Those of you lucky enough to score an interview can't afford to bring anything less than your A-game in this job market. Here are some of the best ways successful candidates have left a stellar impression on an employer during an interview:
1. For non-creative jobs, bring one sample of your best work. While a portfolio filled with brilliant samples is not required for non-creative jobs--leaving one example of your best accomplishment is a great way to leave a lingering presence long after your interview. This can mean any tangible evidence of great work you've done in the past, whether it be reports, guidelines, media clippings, or awards. Entrepreneur and Manager Trainer Karen Southall Watts warns against overloading your interviewer with too many samples for non-creative jobs. "Years ago, I actually did this myself and the hiring manager was really overwhelmed and didn't seem to know how to react," she says.
What You Need to Say to Land a Good Job
Employers are looking for top candidates; they want to hire talent who stands out in a crowd based on their past performance and future potential.
It's not difficult to make a strong impression, but it does take some planning and preparation to be sure the employer remembers you favorably. How can you highlight what you have to offer during the application and interview process?
Edward Kwang is the president of MySammy, a company that produces cloud-based software designed for employers who want to monitor employees' computer usage to evaluate work performance. He suggests the following tips for job seekers who want to come across as promising candidates:
6 Ways of Taking Care of Your Feet this Monsoon
After the very long wait, finally the season of happiness, greenery and joy, monsoon has arrived. This season is best know for its beauty, serenity along with a lot of dirt, muck and stickiness. Read through some tips to keep your feet clean and hygienic during the season.
1. Choosing the Right Footwear
Preparing yourself with the right footwear is as essential as equipping yourself with umbrellas and raincoats. Avoid wearing closed shoes since they tend to accumulate water, which will end up wetting your feet. Also wear your socks once you reach office to avoid bacteria to grow resulting in fungal infections.
Say YES to beautiful hair this monsoon
Be it curly or straight, thick or thin, monsoon has a stormy effect on all hair types. Stealing shine and softness, the wet weather translates into bad hair days for most of us. “ A number of scalp diseases occur at this specific time because of the disposure of dirty rain water as well as humid conditions.
Growth of fungus and bacteria on the scalp might also occur. These infections are responsible for irritation, dandruff and hair fall,” explains Mohammad Usman, Assistant Salon Manager at Aman Salon – The Aman Hotel Delhi.
Growth of fungus and bacteria on the scalp might also occur. These infections are responsible for irritation, dandruff and hair fall,” explains Mohammad Usman, Assistant Salon Manager at Aman Salon – The Aman Hotel Delhi.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Top universities sign with Coursera to offer free classes online
In a major development Tuesday, a dozen highly ranked universities said they had signed on with Coursera, a new venture offering free classes online. They still must overcome some skepticism about the quality of online education and the prospects for having the courses cover the costs of producing them, but their enthusiasm is undimmed.
YouTube unveils face blurring tool
Video website YouTube unveiled on Wednesday a way for users to automatically blur human faces in videos they upload, a feature that would help protect the identities of political dissidents, YouTube parent Google Inc said.
Once known more as a repository for fuzzy, home-made cat videos, YouTube has become a growing destination for slick, highly produced entertainment and serious news content. Earlier this week, a study by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism said amateur "citizen journalism" footage from events such as the 2011 tsunami in Japan were some of the most-watched clips on YouTube.
Fixed line revenue of telcos to dip 7 percent Gartner
Telcos' revenues from the fixed-line businesses will amount to Rs 14,800 crore this calendar year, a 7 per cent decline, thus pulling down the overall growth in the consumer fixed services market to a muted 2 per cent, says a Gartner report. The consumer fixed services market includes voice service, broadband access and internet access. In 2012, the overall revenue from this sector will touch to Rs 24,000 crore, up from Rs 23,500 crore in 2011.
"Consumer fixed voice revenue is forecast decline by 7 per cent to Rs 14,800 crore this calendar year, from 2011. From 2012 through 2016, voice revenue will further decline by 25 per cent. Voice traffic continues to shift to mobile," Gartner senior research analyst Neha Gupta said.
IBM raises earnings outlook despite weak tech spending
IBM raised its full-year earnings target, even as it posted a quarterly revenue shortfall, reflecting its ability to manage costs as global technology spending sputters.
International Business Machines Corp, a bellwether for the IT industry because of its global span and breadth of businesses, now expects full-year earnings per share - excluding items - of at least $15.10, versus at least $15.00 previously.
Unlike other companies, IBM said it had seen a strong June and Chief Financial Officer Mark Loughridge said he was "pretty confident going into the next quarter."
Don not use mobile more than 30 minutes a day
Google to allow users to send emails via SMS
Gmail users can now send and receive their emails via their feature phones, thus doing away with the need of a smartphone or constant internet connectivity. However, this service will currently be available in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya only but is likely to be launched in other regions later. It will help the search giant reach out to a larger audience in countries which do not have much mobile internet penetration.
About the service, a post on Google Africa's blog said, "Gmail SMS automatically forwards your emails as SMS text messages to your phone and you can respond by replying directly to the SMS."
Galaxy S III 64GB launch in 2012, Samsung
The South Korean mobile phone manufacturer told Android Central, "The 64GB model of the GALAXY S III will be available during the second half of this year. The market availability and timing may vary and will be determined at the time of release." This statement by Samsung will quell the speculation that the company has decided against launching the model.
Microsoft s Windows 8 to hit release target
Microsoft Corp said on Wednesday its new, touch-friendly Windows 8 operating system will be on sale October 26, almost exactly three years after the launch of Windows 7.
That means customers will be able to upgrade old PCs to the new system on that date, or buy new hardware with the software already installed at stores such as Best Buy.
The company generally does not announce public release dates until close to the event, but has often stated that it aims for a new version of Windows every three years.
8 sizzling hot gadgets for the summer
1. Ultrasleek Ultrabook: HP Folio 13
Buy: From Amazon
Price: $900
Buy: From Amazon
Price: $900
Mobile penetration in India is poor, World Bank
"Mobile communication has arguably had a bigger impact on humankind in a shorter period of time than any other invention in human history," the 'Information and Communications for Development 2012: Maximizing Mobile' report released by the World Bank on Tuesday says.
foods to boost your workout
When it comes to working out, food impacts upon your performance in different ways, and we all want to get the most from our hard work. We present you with seven foods that enhance your performance to make your workout worthwhile. So whether you go running as a hobby, or you’re a hardened athlete, here are our seven suggestions to enhance your performance:
Almonds: Don’t misjudge them as fattening because the fats that almonds contain are monounsaturated fats. The kind of fats you should completely avoid before workout would include butter or cheese products as they will make you lazy and tired. Almonds also contain omega 3s that instantly energise your mind.
4 Tips for Luring in Recruiters With Your Linkedin Profile
Recruiters are often called "headhunters" because they constantly seek out passive job candidates for their highly selective corporate clients. LinkedIn has become the prime hunting groundrecruiters frequent because it's target rich in quality people who are there for purposes other than getting a new job.
By understanding the methods recruiters utilize in their hunt, you can position yourself as the talented passive candidate they covet rather than a desperate job seeker who craves their attention.
Here are four tactics recruiters use on LinkedIn and how you can take advantage of them:
How Drinking Can be Good For You
Alcohol consumption can have some surprising health benefits.
Alcohol has often been addressed as the ‘Wet Devil’ and deemed dangerous for health.
But little do people know that alcohol consumption can have some surprisinghealth benefits as well. The following article will illustrate the benefits of drinking.
1. Recent research has proved that drinking red wine helps in sleeping properly. Red wine essentially helps in producing melatonin. It is an antioxidant that not only helps regulate the sleep cycle, but also prevents cancer and aging.
13 food types for healthy hair
A wholesome diet, rich in silica, calcium and iron, will help reduce or prevent hair loss. Following a simple diet schedule of these 13 food type one can hold back hairloss without having to run around expensive salons.
When your hair starts falling off like dry straws, what can you do?
Well, panicking and running around to expensive salons for hair treatmentmight seem a brilliant idea, but the truth is that you can manage to get a hold of the situation back at your home alone.
Cricket, Cancer survivor Yuvraj named in India squad
India on Wednesday picked Yuvraj Singh, who is recovering from cancer, in a 30-man preliminary squad for the World Twenty20 to be played in Sri Lanka later this year.
That is What She Said,Check Please
As soon as these words are uttered and his index finger and thumb emulate him holding a pen and he makes that zig zag in the air, looking straight at the waiter, she reaches out for her handbag. She rummages through it and because it belongs to a woman, it is home to her world. She smiles coyly but her mind is in a twisted fix. “Does he expect me to go Dutch? Will he offer to foot this? Should I offer?”
These are few moments of a strange kind of emo-financial anxiety and before I started penning this particular piece down, I was in one too. Different women look at this ‘who pays’ scenario very differently. Many of you may not even think this is worth an entire column, but believe me, it is. If a woman has, at any point, been asked or has dropped the ‘who paid?” question to one of her girlfriends post a date, it just means it matters. Period.
Make the most of your down payment!
A dream that most of us nurture when living in a rented accommodation is purchasing our own house. When you cannot provide cash up front, a home loan is the next possible way of making the purchase.
Normally, lenders (banks, financial institutions) would require some amount to be paid upfront as a 'down payment' because normally banks do not offer a '100% loan'. A 'down payment' simply put is the difference between the purchase price of a property and the mortgage loan amount. It underlines the buyer's commitment to complete the deal and indicates the buyer's fidelity in making the loan payments.
Raid your kitchen for effective beauty secrets
Forget about making a run to the cosmetics shop. Your very own kitchen is full of great natural beauty products for the skin.
Your kitchen is full of alternatives to those expensive, chemical based and processed, over-the-counter cosmetics. And are more importantly a much healthier and skin-friendly formulation. So why not use them?
Here are some food swaps for your routine skin care products. The best part? You can find them all in your very own kitchen!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Smartphones to have computing power of desktops
Battery operated mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are still lagging behindlaptops and desktops in sheer computing power, thanks to their negligible RAM (Random Access Memory).
An Israeli researcher, however, is tweaking their RAM to bring them on par with their bigger cousins, so that they can run various programs just as smoothly and simultaneously, even with a tiny battery.
Elad Mentovich, doctoral candidate at the Tel Aviv University, is relying on carbon molecule called C60, to build a sophisticated memory transistor that can both transfer and store energy, eliminating the need for a capacitor (energy storage device), the journal Advanced Materials and Applied Physics Letters reports.
Google Search Gets New Interactive Weather Widget On iOS And Android Tablets
Here is a small but nifty update to Google’s search interface on tablets (both iOS and Android): just search for [weather] and a new tablet-optimized weather widget will show you the current weather at your location (or anywhere else if you add a city’s name or ZIP code to your search), as well as hourly and ten-day forecasts for temperature, precipitation, humidity and wind speed. Google officially confirmed this update on Google+ earlier today.
Target of 1 lakh Common Service Centres to be met soon, Sachin Pilot
"We will soon achieve the target of one lakh CSCs. Around 98,000 CSCs have been established as of now," Minister of State for Communications and ITSachin Pilot told reporters here.
Part of the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), CSCs aim to provide e-governance services, education and health services on a massive scale.
Samsung, LG Display stole our OLED technology
LG Display said Tuesday that it was charged along with the 11 for alleged theft of OLED technology between 2010 and 2011. Three of those charged currently work at Samsung Display, a display making unit of Samsung Electronics.
LG denied that it or its employees were involved in the technology theft.
eBay s PayPal buys credit card tech start up
PayPal has worked with to fold its technology into its own mobile application and decided to buy the company, according to PayPal vice president of global product Hill Ferguson. "We were simple blown away by the creativity and drive of their employees," Ferguson said in a blog post.
Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
Apple s next iPhone to have thinner screen , WSJ
Apple Inc's (AAPL.O) next iPhone will use a new technology that makes the smartphone's screen thinner, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
This is currently being manufactured by Asian component makers, Sharp Corp, Japan Display Inc and South Korea's LG Display Co Ltd who are mass producing the panels for the iPhone using so-called in-cell technology, WSJ said citing sources.
The adoption of in-cell technology means Taiwan's Wintek Corp and TPK Holding Co Ltd, which supplied the touch-panel layer of the iPhone 4S screen, did not get orders for the next iPhone, the paper said citing people with knowledge of the matter.
Microsoft revamps Office, looks to the cloud
Microsoft Corp unveiled a new version of its Office suite aimed at traditional PC users as well as the fast-growing tablet market in a major overhaul of the aging workplace software.
The revamped Office makes use of cloud computing and is compatible with touch screens widely used in tablets. It comes as Apple Inc and Google Inc make inroads into the workplace, long Microsoft's stronghold. Office is Microsoft's single-biggest profit driver.
"The Office that we'll talk about and show you today is the first round of Office that's designed from the get-go to be a service," Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer told reporters. "This is the most ambitious release of Microsoft Office that we've ever done."
LinkedIn starts rolling out simpler home page design
LinkedIn has announced a redesign of its home page in order to make it look cleaner and easier to use. The professional networking site is also working to make the navigation process simpler and add a richer update stream.
LinkedIn in a blog post says the redesigned homepage will make it easier to scan and find the information a user is looking for. Also, the simpler and cleaner design makes it easier to navigate the page.
Moreover, users can now see the important and relevant news updates on the top of the feed. This is supposed to make it easy for users to go through trending topics, news and professional updates, based on your connections and industries you are associated with. LinkedIn says this will reduce time spent on hunting for information on the website.
Passwords hack, Yahoo fixes security glitch
Yahoo has announced that it has fixed a glitch in its security software that allowed hackers access to 450,000 email addresses and passwords.
In a statement on the company blog, a Yahoo spokesman said the firm has deployed additional security measures for its affected users.
"Yahoo recently confirmed that an older file containing approximately 450,000 email addresses and passwords was compromised," the spokesman wrote.
"We have taken swift action and have now fixed this vulnerability, deployed additional security measures for affected Yahoo users, enhanced our underlying security controls and are in the process of notifying affected users.
Google India, MakeMyTrip among the top 5 Great Places to Work in India for 2012
According to the results of annual Great Place to Work survey, like last year, Google India has again topped the list for 2012. However, online travel company MakeMyTrip has slipped one position down and has been listed on number four. PayPal India retains its 17th position and Cleartrip has also been featured in the list ranked between 26 and 50.
Like past several years, this year too IT industry has the biggest representation in top 10 of India's Best Companies to Work for list. As many as seven companies in top 10 are IT companies.
World s Top 10 Business Thinkers
Rank #1: Clayton Christensen
Christensen is the Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on innovation and growth.
His seminal book The Innovator’s Dilemma (1997), which first outlined his disruptive innovation frameworks, received the Global Business Book Award for the Best Business Book of the Year in 1997, was a New York Times bestseller, has been translated into over 10 languages, and is sold in over 25 countries.
How to turn a negotiation around
If you’re an Indian, you probably learnt how to negotiate while you were in the womb. From negotiating with the bhajiwala to arguing about that window-seat, we’re quite adept at coming to terms on a deal our way. However, when it comes to the corporate field, negotiating things in your favour is unfamiliar territory for most of us. Here’s how to make the most of a conversation when you feel things aren’t going your way.
Know your worth
It is the easiest thing to let others decide your worth or the price of the product you’re negotiating. It is also the most foolish thing. Always know the exact market price of your goods and services. People will always try to pay the least amount possible so cover their profit-books. Agreeing blindly to whatever offer is made to you is cheating yourself and your business.
5 Ways to Juggle Work and Parenthood
After a provocative magazine cover recently asserted that women still can't have it all, the article was shared more than 180,000 times on Facebook. The statement clearly struck a chord with working women, who often find themselves pulled between family life and their professional one.
The bad news is that in a tight economy, women can find it even harder to take a short break from the workforce to care for their children: The Center for Work-Life Policy has found that not only are the penalties for doing so greater, but women increasingly earn such an essential portion of household income that their families can't afford to go without it, even temporarily.
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